Hey guys !
Since today is our last class for this subject,
we're just going to post a very short entry about today's lecture. Starting
tomorrow, everyone will become so busy with FeSSA and we'll only focus on
personal posts from each member.
Netizen = internet +citizen
Citizen in the internet (media social )
4 things you can do as a NETIZEN :
- Change your
- Be your own
privacy guard
- Check your
security software
- Be
proactive about mobile safety
Netiquette" is network etiquette, the do's and
don'ts of online communication. Netiquette covers both common courtesy online
and the informal "rules of the road" of cyberspace
Impact of absence of Netiquette :
- Imagine if there
were no traffic rules, what would happen ? People would drive as they wish
leading to accidents. Similarly if there were no social and governing rules,
crime rates would increase. The reason we have rules to govern us is to guide
us to become better citizens and safeguard and promote welfare of all people.
The same principle applies here where there must be some standard rules to be
followed for using the Internet. If there are no standard rules or Netiquettes
then people will use the Internet as they wish and this will result in serious
Archiving your social media :
- Website
o Multiple versions of a website can be viewed at THE
o The Internet Archive has copies of websites dated
since 1996
- Facebook
o Facebook content can be exported to xml file
o You can also do archive your facebook on facebook
itself (account>settings>download a copy of your facebook data)
- Twitter
o Hashtag
- Blogs
o Google’s data archiving page generates information
from RSS feed such as blog posts and their comments and the images included.
o The downside is the installation is beginners may
find it to be quite confusing to use at first.
The connected student
- More
inclined to voice their opinions because they believe that their voices matter
Thats all for today's class. Thank you for reading !